CSU: PM Introduction to the subject MGI511 (Project Management Fundamentals)
This short video gives you a bit of an overview of how the subject MGI511 is actually delivered using a plethora of multimedia tools and technologies. Realise that Charles Sturt University is a main player in Distance Education and we cater for anyone, anywhere, anytime. If there’s one thing that everyone on this planet and most likely in this Universe should pursue in his/her life/existence surely it must be continuous education. So all these viewers that are currently watching and enjoying my little videos – come and join the club and make Project Management your next move! Nanoo… Nanoo… Marco Cattaneo, subject coordinator MGI511. And “yes” I do have a Dutch accent with an Italian surname 🙂
Version: v1.00
Duration : 0:9:8
[youtube Nr9kOFIQFrE]