How to Interview for Project Management Consulting Jobs – Rosemary Hossenlopp
I’m Rosemary Hossenlopp, founder of I help other project management consultants to hear hiring managers say “I heard about you.” These four words are the fastest path to getting hired.
A key question that PM’s ask is
How do I interview
Dont interview. Market yourself. I consistently share that marketing is the right message, to the right audience at the right time. Lets talk about how these three steps apply to an interview.
1) right message hiring managers are attracted to people that are passionate and get results. Tell them a story of the types of projects you love to work on. They are tired of hearing a book report of the billizion projects you worked on. Also dont make them work hard to understand how you delivered results. Our Biggest Mistake – we tend to talk about tools, techniques but management increasingly cares about results. So talk about what type of work you love to do and what results you get.
2) right audience – this is an audience that already believes from your resume that you solve problems. So create an atmosphere where you can ask about their environment. You are checking to see if you are a fit. If you arent manage the risk by saying you arent. They will respect you for it. If you are, you are creating a powerful relationship by demonstrating that you are able to identify the key issues in their environment that are important to get success. For example: on an assessment, Im not just probing for management support but alignment. Just because they opened a PO doesnt mean they know what they want. Understand the risks in advance.
3) right time – let’s understand the economy. What interested hiring managers two years ago is different than what they want to hear now. Mistake: Don’t focus on process formality when right now things are so chaotic and clients want flexibility. So tailor your message to their concerns.
Duration : 0:4:15
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