JCCC Board of Trustees Meeting 3-26-09
Board chair Shirley Brown-VanArsdale asked Mark Ferguson, college counsel, to communicate the findings and results of an inquiry and investigation as to whether the college violated the Kansas Open Meetings Act during an executive session of the board meeting on Feb. 19. Ferguson reviewed statements made in the media, notes made when investigating the matter, the minutes of the meeting, relevant statutes, and interpretation of KOMA both by the Kansas courts and the office of the attorney general. He also spoke with the Kansas attorney generals office and an assistant district attorney in Johnson County. After a complete review of the facts and circumstances surrounding the allegations, he is of the opinion that no violations of KOMA occurred at the February meeting and that the board fully complied with the Kansas Open Meetings Act and with its own board policies related to conducting an executive session.
Faculty Association
Mike Martin, president of the Faculty Association, reviewed aspects of the current negotiation process and announced the associations endorsement of four candidates for the board election: Bob Drummond, Peter Jouras, Melody Rayl and Stephanie Sharp.
Student Senate
Andre Jones, Senate president, gave the board an overview of upcoming events, such as Daffodil Day on March 27 and a rally to show appreciation for the colleges championship teams on April 1.
Trustee Don Weiss reviewed upcoming Foundation events, including the Dollars for Scholars auction on April 24.
Trustee Lynn Mitchelson reported that he and Dr. Calaway had met with the new executive director of the Kansas Association of Community College Trustees about funding issues raised in the Kansas legislature.
Duration : 2:14:46
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