An executive assistant discusses her outstanding achievements, promotion and excellent career success, partly as a result of attending Alain Martin’s Administrative Assistant & Executive Secretary public workshop (USA Canada), in-house: worldwide, by The Professional Development Institute PDI, She describes the training (quality, seminar leader, hands-on learning, course materials): Managing Difficult People and Conflict, Time Management Tips: Managing Priorities, Deadlines, Meetings, E-Mail, Interruptions, Saying No; Meetings Bloody Meetings Checklist; Harvard Planner; Managing Boss; 7 Critical Success Factors of Great Team Leaders (Sheila Bair, Carol Bartz, Ursula Burns, Whitman, Obama, Buffett); Harvard University Global system™ tools; Harnessing the Power of Intelligence; Project Management; Risk Management; Negotiation roadmap, Responsibility Accountability; How to Be Proactive; How to influence, How to Motivate; How to Delegate, How to Search the Web.

Summary of her comments:
“One the most rewarding learning experiences. It helped me improve my performance, earn the authority and trust of top-management and co-workers, and advance my career, then report directly to the Board Chairman and two years later be accepted in a full-time MBA program.
Being an executive assistant is a demanding job. We are struggling with an increasing workload and resource constrains; striving to improve productivity, build a winning-team with co-workers and management, and maximize our value to the organization. Apart from conference calls, meetings and daily administrative priorities, we have to work with difficult people, resolve conflict, delegate, take charge without the benefit of authority, meet multiple-bosses expectations, manage projects and negotiate with clients, providers and staff. We must balance work demands with fitness and family obligations, while building our own careers.
PDI workshop is the best choice, a must for administrative and presidential professionals who wish to add value to their company, understand organization challenges, and pursue sound professional growth. ”
The course content was partially adjusted to our expectations. Two weeks before the workshop, the instructor initiated a dialogue with participants. I was able to share, in private, my personal goals and work-related problems and priorities. This helped make the in-class learning productive and beneficial to each participant.
I keep coming back to the course materials. Harvard Productivity Time Log helps me schedule my time, negotiate priorities with bosses, deal with drop-in visitors, procrastinators, and eliminate time wasters. I use the practical tips in Martins book Bringing Time to Life and Harvard Time Management Road Map. FIRO-B helped me understand interpersonal compatibility and improve my relationship with colleagues. SDI increased my understanding of my strengths in normal and difficult situations. I was more effective in planning meetings, recording conclusions and following up decisions using Harvard Meeting Template.
Apart from these practical skills, what helped me most is the concept of exemplary leadership and teamwork. Executive assistants are in the position where their work is highly dependent on others doing their share: bosses, peers, subordinates, clients, providers. It is very important for us to be able to work, build and lead teams, by example, with tact, diplomacy, respect and professional care.
The classes were exceptionally interesting, where collaboration was valued over competition. We, people of different nationalities and from different industries, worked in goal-focused teams. Whether solving cases or in a role-play, we learned from each other, shared our experiences and work-related problems. This knowledge was essential to succeed in recruiting the right people, coaching young professionals and undertake greater responsibility for my work team.
The course was taught by Alain Martin, PDI President, chief architect, Harvard University Global System, author of books on time management, strategic intelligence and proactive thinking that were used in the course. Theory was followed by in-class discussions, and numerous role-plays on, for example, negotiating with difficult people. Practical applications in planning and project management were demonstrated and practiced individually and in teams. We also learned smart ways to conduct advanced search on the Internet and dig deeper without wasting time.
Mr. Martin is an exceptional instructor. More than most trainers, he understands the issues facing executive assistants. His experience in coaching administrative professionals from the Americas and Europe in a wide spectrum of industries was very helpful to us. He shared the best practices of Boeing, GE and Procter & Gamble. In a broader sense the course focuses on helping you realize your full potential and turns it into a lifelong success!”

Duration : 0:9:59

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